Monday, January 10, 2011


Ian Aleczander
My first love, the reason I'm where I am today, my hero. He's everything a mother could ask for and a little more. Ian is a super hero, not just any super hero but one who can suck the energy right out of ANYTHING thats near him ;) He has more energy than the energizer bunny if you can believe that, haha. Ian was diagnosed with ADHD at 6 years old and to be honest it was no surprise to me. 

He's the reason I started this blog, like him I'm starving for answers, compassion, understanding, ideas, and friendship through this battle. I wanna know that I'm not the only mother out there that has to tell her child something 5 times very slowly only to feel like I'm talking to a brick wall, I'm tired of feeling alone. The few mothers whose children have ADHD that I know and have talked to have only made me even more confused, mostly for the simple fact that their children have multi-disorders such as anger issues and other behavioral disorders. All I want is to understand HOW TO GET THROUGH TO MY SON... 

 For the last 6mo he has been taking Aderall, I'm semi-pleased with its results. I have had many people question his apatite and how thin he is. He is thin BUT he has always been a thin kid, what can I say the kid was blessed with my thin genes, we eat whatever we want and hardly gain a thing!! Another thing about the Aderall that concerns me how ever is that we started with 10mg a day and are now up to 30mg.. 20mg in the morning and 10mg at noon. He still sits away from the other children in his class room, by choice, because he knows that he CAN'T help but be disruptive. It breaks my heart knowing that even on the Aderall hes struggling.

I've been on a journey I never thought I'd be on but God doesn't give us anything we can't handle right??  

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